Thursday, 20 March 2008

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince


Same old same old

Well, JK Rowling's done it again; she's stormed to the top of the charts with the latest Harry installment, and a right rollicking good read it is, too.

What a shame, then, that it's fundamentally the same as every other book in the series in its structure and form. Not wishing to detract from Rowling's wit, imagination and ability to tell a good story, I couldn't help but think, especially in the latter stages of the book, that I'd been there before, though with different characters and a (slightly) different setting. To put it bluntly, Rowling's skill lies in building up vast, intricate matrices of plots and interwoven storylines that stretch over several volumes, but she is let down every time by her inability to achieve a satisfactory denouement. I shall not betray what happens in this story, but the device she employs to reveal the crux of the plot is at best crude, and in my view, frankly unconvincing.

Let's hope the last installment (which I eagerly await), proves more sophisticated.

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