Thursday 20 March 2008

Lobo - Missa o Rex Gloriae


Wonderful music beautifully sung

Already admired for his sublime motet Versa est in luctum, Alonso Lobo's reputation will be confirmed as one of the finest composers of the Spanish Renaissance by this disc. The two masses, O Rex Gloriae and Simile est Regnum Caelorum are magisterial, demonstrating extraordinary inventiveness, but it is the Lamentations that take one's breath away. Only very recently published, they introduce the listener to a world of rich emotional intensity and beautiful sonority, blending expressivity with a richly woven tapestry of sound. Quite simply, they represent one of the highest compositional achievements of the age.

The singing on the disc is of the highest of standards, and Trendell's conducting is perfectly judged. All in all, you will not buy a better recording of renaissance music this year.

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